Mar 13, 2009

Do you have room for some delicious feedback?

Before I start reflecting on my presentation I wanted to post the general feedback...meditate on it and then comment. I think that the general sense is that more people want to get involved with technology and just need a forum to get more information. Stay tuned for more ruminations to come.

Comments on my presentation:

Enthusiastic...very informative
Keep going and present more sessions at future conferences
Facebook, website, wiki presentations...showing how you link delicious to other sites lost me a little because i am not internet savvy in that sense. Great job!
A publication would be easier to understand
Very lively!
Very engaging and informative. I plan to go back and set up an account.
Present at an indepth seminar, regional or national conference
Copy of presentation (@ least an outline) would have been helpful in order to follow along and see what's coming next
Spontaniety and freedom from powerpoint. Jillian was motivational.
Work on voice; deeper for increased maturity and credibility
Real time demo of how to set up and use these sites was helpful.
Don't jump around so much-topic to topic-Hard to follow, especially when terms are unfamiliar
Thank you very interesting.
Please present at another regional conference.
Pertinent technical information-Great to learn from; present at NACADA National Conference
Good information, tools...More presentations!
In-depth institute or seminar
Jillian is a star. She will go far in whatever she does.
Present at NACADA National Conference
Energetic. Good presentation. Relevant.
Interesting and lively.
Keep having fun with this.
New technology was presented. Yah!
Good enthusiasm, but lower your voice and slow down a bit. Great job!
Great job. I clearly need to learn much more about this!
I now realize that there is a lot of technology to be used.
Slow down, talk more slowly.
Try to limit mention of all the technology. Bring handout with definitions of language; technology.
Introduction of resources to play with later.
New tool, great enthusiasm.
Take questions when asked, rather than saying you'll go over later because listeners don't know when/if you finally answered the question.
She did a very good job, high energy and communicated effectively.


Anonymous said...

Judging by the comments, I think you must have done a good job! You must have explained well. Because believe me, they'll let you know (negative comments) if you didn't. So, hold your head up high (and yes, I'm sure you can find some things to do to present better the next time!).

Jillian said...

Thanks for that Alan! It was my first go round and I wasn't sure if most people were honest with those comments.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your session went very well :-)

"Work on voice; deeper for increased maturity and credibility"
"Good enthusiasm, but lower your voice and slow down a bit."

WTF? I think that whomever wrote those comments should check their own inner biases. Deeper voice = more mature/credible. Unbelievable. Ignore the haters. Their ageism was quite overt with those comments. Talking slower might be something to work on, but the pitch of your voice as something you can change, give me a break. Makes me wonder how those same people perceive their students :(

Keep on keepin' on JR :-)

Anonymous said...

It MAY be (as I wasn't there so I can't say) that it was hard for the older attendees to hear. I do presentations with a woman who (I guess) has a "high" voice, and she's gotten feedback that she can be hard to hear. So, that could be one possible explanation (though I don't think Jillian's voice is "high").

Jillian said...

The voice comment was also difficult for me for understand. I think your voice is your voice.

Thank you for the positive comments! It was my first go around with this whole presentation thing so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the evals.

Anonymous said...

I think that if attendees had had a difficult time hearing Jillian that they could/would have stated that on their evals...I can't hear you is quite different from "your voice is high and therefore you are not credible/mature." I immediately associated those type of comments with overt ageism. My partner Wendy and I were chatting about this and she wondered whether or not it was ageism coupled with sexist overtones...

Anonymous said...

Clearly most of the comments are positive, and the main thing that you get out of them should be encouragement, but on the other hand, I don't think the voice comments should just be dismissed as being a product of sexism and ageism. Three people mentioned speaking slower and/or deeper, and the fact that more than one person felt that way indicates that it is a sincere concern, not just something bizarre that one person came up with. I have done a little radio, and sometimes I try to speak slower and deeper when I'm on the radio because it seems to come across better that way. I was at your presentation and had no problem with how you spoke. I was the one who wrote "Jillian is a star." I personally don't think you need to do anything to improve, but I don't like the maligning of people who made comments that were meant to be helpful.