Jul 16, 2009

Back into blogging!

After a brief (ok...not so brief...) hiatus, I have returned to blogging! Since the last update I have completed my masters degree in higher education administration (University at Buffalo) and taken a full time academic advisor position in Student Advising Services here at UB. I am loving my new role and feel like I am settled in enough now to get back to regular blogging here at The Chronicle of...

There will be a bit of shameless self-promotion within the next few posts, but rest assured I am working on a few really great pieces that I am excited to share with you. I also hope to share more of the fantastic things that are going on in the world of academic advising and continue the interaction that was previously going on at this blog.

Without further ado...


Scott Willyerd said...

glad to see you are starting back up. we enjoy reading your stuff.

alan said...

Yay your back! I was hoping you hadn't stopped blogging.