Sep 29, 2008

Interacting with Faculty

On Friday, I gave a workshop entitled "Interacting with Faculty" and the presentation slides are presented below. Please note, I was given feedback during the presentation and after which caused me to modify the slides a bit. I will post a revised version at some point, but really wanted to get this up.

Interacting With Faculty
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Two things:
1.) I feel like undergraduate students at large research universities really want to interact with their faculty, but unfortunately we as a university don't foster the skills which they need to accomplish this. Maybe holding a session during orientation on the topic would alleviate some of the problem. I am also going to cover this information in my University Experience class later on today.

2.) On the flip side, I am of the opinion that faculty don't always put forth enough time and effort to engage their undergraduate students. Universities with commitments to undergraduate education might be better served if they set up informational sessions on how to interact with undergraduate students. Perhaps that will be my next power point...

1 comment:

Lindsey Loo said...

Jillian-- I would be so interested to see what you come up with in terms of this faculty/student interaction at such a large university. One of the things I am missing about my alma mater is that high level of interaction that one gets at a small school. The "homey" feel of a small campus.

I am particularly interested in first year and sophomore students and much of my professional development for residence life is going to look at student devlopment and focus on building leadership and recognizing the needs of sophomores (as they are really not yst upperclassmen). Anyway, this is WAY longer than intended. I already posted one comment, but I keep finding more great content that you have posted. Bravo!