Jan 23, 2009

Hiatus & NACADA Activities

First of all, apologies for the hiatus in posting. I was completing my comprehensive exams to get my master's degree so much of my time was occupied reading Pasacarella and Terenzini (1991, 2005). Hope everyone is still with me!

Secondly, I wanted to post a little reminder about some upcoming NACADA events that really have me excited!

Advising 2.0: Utilizing Technology Effectively for Campus-wide Advising

Being held February 12-13, 2009 in Clearwater, FL. the Technology Seminar is promising to be an exciting and informative event. I will be attending (Thanks to a NACADA Region 1 scholarship) and blogging at the event. It is my hope that readers will jump on board with comments and thoughts so that I can ask any questions you may have.

Some of the topics to be covered include: Social Networking Sites (i.e., Facebook, Ning), Wikis, Using Web Based Surveys, Blogs and Microblogs, Confidentiality, Web 2.0 and advising, Photosharing, and Making Connections Between Tools.

Faculty members include George Steele, Eric Stoller, Karen Thurmond, and Laura Pasquini.

You still have time to register! Come join us in Clearwater, FL. for some web "surfing" and sun.

NACADA Regional Conferences

Regional conferences are a fantastic way to network with your colleagues, but also stay close to your home-base. I would encourage everyone to check out their nearest Regional meeting and attend if at all possible.

I will be attending and presenting with one of my colleagues at the Region 1 Conference being held in Saratoga Springs, NY on March 11-13, 2009. My presentation is going to be on the use of social bookmarking as a tool for major and career exploration.

Many of the other Regions are still looking for proposals. I would encourage everyone to submit an abstract of something that your working on and get involved head-first with the organization. There is nothing more rewarding than sharing your work with others!

Anyone have any good presentation tips for me? I am all ears.

NACADA Annual Conference

NACADA is going deep into the heart of Texas for their next annual conference. I am looking forward to this one since I have never had the chance to go to Texas. I have submitted by Social Bookmarking proposal to the conference as well, but haven't heard anything yet about it being accepted or not.

The last Annual conference that I went to, Chicago, was amazing! There were so many great sessions and opportunities to network. All of my notes from those sessions are on the blog if anyone would like to look them over. That's actually how this blog got started--as a repository for notes and other professional development activities.

Finally, look for an upcoming post on the new 2009 Horizon Report. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the document, it presents the technologies to watch for the upcoming year in


Lauren said...

You are definitely a pro at this blog thing...and as I see very busy...you have a lot of nice ideas for blog content...Good luck on your exams...I hope you did well!

Gabby said...

Great Page! I know who to talk to if I ever need any help. Nice to meet you group member! : )